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What is IPTV? & How to Use It

Internet Protocol TV is referred to as IPTV. It’s a service that allows you to view your favourite TV shows without having to subscribe to cable. But how precisely does it work? I’ll describe the various kinds of IPTV services,…

7 Ways to Choose a Good IPTV Provider

Any TV may be transformed into a media entertainment centre by using an IPTV set-top box. IPTV is more than simply live TV broadcasting and video-on-demand. A comprehensive list of services with descriptions would take many pages. According to ITU,…

Do you know your VOD alphabet?

Netflix and Amazon are prime examples of companies at the heart of a fast growing video on demand (VOD) industry. By going over the top (OTT) with web streaming technologies, VOD service providers are expanding reach worldwide, delivering movies, TV…