Education & E-Learning


Educate and Motivate!​

Bring Your Video Courses Online On the web!

Create smart on-demand classes for your platform’s students enrolled and stream and monetize them.

How OTTFAST Assists With Academic Training Distribution

Expand the scope of your courses on a completely online platform supported by innovative income mechanisms.

Independent Educational Channel

Offering your courses online at your own pace and times on a dedicated video channel that your members will love to stay on will give you complete freedom.

Improve Learning Opportunities

Utilize video as a tool to deliver immersive educational courses in the most appealing and captivating format possible with all the components necessary for contemporary learning.

Maintain a Sustainable Income

By broadcasting and earning money from your classes, you can advance as an educational expert.
Despite pandemic crises or shutdowns, keep collecting a steady source of income.

Discover What's New in OTTFAST for Today's EduTech Gurus!

While having complete control over your channel and the course offerings you provide, share your expertise with the world.

EduTech Channel Setup is Simple

Now more than ever, it’s simple to become an online tutor. Launch & setup your very own edutech channel in short steps and start accepting students who want to sign up for your classes by enabling online monetization.

Library of educational videos

The most comprehensive tutoring platform allows you to upload each of your training courses individually or in bulk into a smart library and schedule your on-demand classes in advance using simple tools.

Manage Course Metadata

It is essential that your courses receive the most online visibility possible.
To increase the discoverability of your movies, manage and add metadata to all of your content.

Putting a Tutor-Friendly Platform Together

Online membership tutoring tools for current learning are required. Give your best performance to a viewership that is enlisting in your education-based courses since they are eager to advance.

All it takes to interact and work with students, assisting them in easily absorbing interesting and engaging knowledge, is a channel on OTTFAST.

As popular as the chalk-and-talk method of instruction is virtual learning. Make taking classes online while on the go the new standard.

Depending on your course structure and the options provided by the video monetization platform, you may either teach a wide student population using pre-recorded content or limit your online trainings to a smaller private crowd.

The methods for teaching and learning are evolving with the times. Encourage your audience to learn tutorials anytime, anyplace by offering pre-recorded classes on OTTFAST.

Give students unique access for individualised 1-on-1 coaching.
Your selling course could be more adaptive learning-based than generic in this approach.

Conduct events that are pertinent to the course or recorded webinars with industry experts on a variety of topics, and charge a fee for each viewer you draw in.

To keep your students interested, OTTFAST automatically suggests related videos and the most popular content on your online channel.

Easily make money off of your e-learning channel!

Make your own revenue decisions without the influence of a third party.


Create and build exclusive course modules, then make them available via adaptable subscription packages to generate a predictable monthly revenue.


Charge your students on a pay-per-view basis for a single admission to the learning session, and price each hosting course separately.


Accept donations from students who want to support your enthusiasm for producing top-notch, thought-provoking videos for e-learning.

A Universal Platform for All Types of Educators

With the appropriate resources pooled together in a single platform, you may completely monetize any sort of video classes.

Book Free Demo

Through a one-on-one demonstration with one of our product specialists, learn how OTTFAST functions.

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